- Medical law -

Medical law is a specialized field of law that covers a broad range of issues related to healthcare protection. It combines medical aspects with legal and ethical considerations. This field impacts each of us, as it regulates the relationships between patients, healthcare professionals, and medical institutions.

Medical law encompasses a wide range of issues, from patient rights and medical staff obligations to healthcare standards and legal procedures in the event of disputes and medical errors. It is an ever-evolving field, just like our lawyers, who, in addition to their specialized knowledge and skills in analyzing and interpreting complex medical cases, are also sensitive to clients’ needs.

Kopeć Zaborowski Law Firm offers comprehensive legal services in the field of medical law, making it a priority not only to address legal matters but also to prioritize health. Our team consists of lawyers specializing in medical law, providing support to patients, medical professionals, and healthcare institutions.

Legal Support for Patients:

  • We provide legal assistance to patients and families of individuals harmed by medical errors, including perinatal errors. We help patients obtain compensation and redress for damages resulting from such errors, as well as from improper treatment or medical neglect.
  • We provide support for patients regarding violations of their rights, such as failure to meet informational duties, lack of access to medical records, failure to respect privacy and dignity, and violation of the right to informed consent for treatment.
  • We offer pre-litigation advice, conducting negotiations with insurers and medical facilities to develop favorable solutions for patients without the need for legal action.

Legal Support for Doctors and Medical Personnel:

  • The firm’s services include representing doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers in legal disputes and disciplinary proceedings related, among other things, to medical errors or violations of medical ethics.
  • We manage reputation crises for doctors and medical entities, representing them in proceedings related to personal rights protection and press law (including corrections).
  • We provide support in the area of contracts and agreements for doctors.

Legal Support for Medical Institutions, Aesthetic Medicine Clinics, and Medical Entities:

  • We provide advisory services for healthcare institutions. We offer comprehensive legal support for hospitals, clinics, aesthetic medicine practices, and other healthcare entities, starting from the initial stages of their operations, including their establishment or registration process.
  • We draft and review internal documents, including regulations, contracts, and consents.
  • We provide support in dealings with patients, the National Health Fund (NFZ), and insurers.
  • We represent clients in legal disputes, including cases related to civil liability, labor matters, and contractual disputes.
  • We organize training for medical staff on patient rights, ethical standards, and legal procedures related to medical practice.

Have You Experienced a Medical Error? We have represented both patients and medical staff in legal proceedings related to medical errors. This experience allows us to assess each case from two perspectives, giving us an undeniable advantage. We conduct a thorough analysis of patients’ situations and advise them on how to proceed when a medical error occurs.

Do You Manage a Medical Facility and Need Comprehensive Legal Support? Kopeć Zaborowski Law Firm provides services tailored to healthcare managers, offering ongoing advice on compliance with healthcare law, including GDPR, the Healthcare Activity Act, sanitary-epidemiological regulations, and other legal frameworks. Our experienced team of lawyers ensures comprehensive and reliable assistance, allowing our clients to look to the future with confidence.

Are You a Doctor Accused of Medical Malpractice? Our team will review medical documentation and prepare an effective defense against claims. We assist not only in understanding legal provisions but also in navigating the legal process and the rights available to our clients.

Do You Have a Problem? Need legal support in the field of medical law? Don’t wait!

Contact us!


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