Paweł Zieliński

Head of Press Law and Reputation Crisis Managment Practice / Advocate

  • Attorney in the KKZ Litigation Department, serving as the Team Leader of the Media Law Team at KKZ.
  • His professional interests encompass substantive and procedural civil law, as well as a comprehensive understanding of media law and the protection of personal rights. He enhances his expertise not merely through experience but by actively staying abreast of emerging trends in the media law sector (e.g., as a participant in PR & Media Days 2024) and the most significant legal developments.
  • He joined KKZ in 2020, leveraging his 10 years of experience in managing cases related to protecting personal rights, issuing press corrections, and handling defamation and insult offenses (private indictment).
  • He supports clients in combating “hate” speech and addressing the publication of false or inaccurate news and unreliable opinions about them. He is an expert in preventing and mitigating image crises, diagnosing threats, and recommending solutions that effectively safeguard clients’ interests. He provides comprehensive assistance in media relations, ensuring all types of communications comply with the law.
  • He has served as an attorney in numerous high-profile court cases nationwide, consistently securing favorable judgments for his clients. These judgments have often required opponents to publish apologies or corrections in major Polish media outlets, including TV stations, print media, and online portals.
  • His services are sought after by some of the largest Polish companies and their management teams, as well as by entrepreneurs, publishers, editors-in-chief of traditional media and online portals, journalists, creators, YouTubers, government offices, and officials, representatives of uniformed services, and prominent politicians.
  • He is the author of numerous publications on topics such as press corrections, advertising, and combating hate speech, featured in leading Polish dailies and industry magazines like “Rzeczpospolita” and “PR Manager.” Additionally, he conducts training sessions on preventing and managing image crises, such as those organized for the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce.


  • Civil law
  • Economic Law
  • Administrative Law


  • Personal Rights Protection
  • Press law
  • Litigations
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